Career & Entrepreneurship Coaching

Career Coaching

  • Self-Discovery:  As a Career Coach help you understand your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values. This self-awareness is crucial for making informed career and life choices.
  • Goal Setting: Through the Clarity process, I can assist you in setting clear and achievable career goals. These goals help you create a roadmap for your career.
  • Resume and Interview Skills:  I can provide guidance on crafting an effective resume, and cover letter, and in improving your interview skills to increase your chances of landing your desired job.
  • Networking:  I work with you to build and leverage your professional network and provide tips on networking, personal branding, and using social media to advance your career.
  • Professional Development: We can work together to identify training, certifications, or additional education that can enhance your skills and qualifications.
  • Work-Life Balance:  We can work together to help you achieve a healthy work-life balance, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.
I can do this

Entrepreneurship Coaching

Successful Entrepreneur
  • Business Idea Validation:  We can work together to help you validate your business ideas and assess their viability in the market.
  • Business Planning:  As a coach, I can work with you through the process of creating a solid and succinct business plan, which includes market research, financial projections, and a clear strategy.
  • Prioritize Planning: As a Career Coach and professional project manager, I can help you prioritize tasks, set milestones, and create an action plan for launching and growing your business.
  • Budget Planning and Review: Together, we can take a look at projected expenses and income, budgeting, pricing strategies, and securing funding if needed.
  • Marketing and Sales Plan: We can support you in developing a marketing plan, identifying target audiences, and building effective sales strategies.
  • Overcoming Roadblocks: We can help you develop additional skills to address challenges, limiting beliefs, and roadblocks during your entrepreneurial process.
  • Mindset and Resilience: Entrepreneurship can be mentally challenging. One of my specialties is to help clients develop a resilient mindset and overcome obstacles.

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