There are several common attributes needed for personal development. Strengthening these skills will facilitate your personal and professional growth.
Build Self Esteem
Self-esteem is your sense of your own value, including your level of confidence in your abilities, skills, and talents. Your self-esteem affects many aspects of your personal development and happiness. It would help if you had healthy self-esteem even to embark on new projects, let alone stay motivated through completion.
Build Confidence
Confidence is the building block to a successful life. By looking at some of your core competencies, and taking credit for your successes, you begin to see that you have way more competence and confidence than you may have thought. Confidence is one of the building blocks to becoming more resilient.
Learn how to set Boundaries
Boundaries are the limits and needs you recognize for yourself and can express to others in order to feel safe and comfortable. Boundaries are not meant to keep others out but to keep us in. If others are violating our space in some way, it means we need to communicate better, about what our boundary requirements are.
Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Our beliefs are the lens through which we view ourselves and the rest of the world. A limiting belief can restrict you from accomplishing something you would like to do. These beliefs can “limit” us because we have developed a thought about our abilities over a period of time, and therefore could cause us to discard an opportunity before we even start. Everyone experiences limiting beliefs at some point, but the key is to learn how to identify them proactively before they can limit you.
Build Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to perceive, interpret, and control, our emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively in a constructive way. With a healthy EQ, you have the ability to manage your own emotions and also understand the emotions of other people. Five key elements of EQ are self-awareness, motivation, empathy, self-regulation, and social skills.
Build Resilience
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from life’s inevitable stresses. It can also involve significant personal growth. Resilience is a dynamic process that can change from situation to situation throughout a person’s life. We work with you to develop more resilience so you can be better equipped to navigate life’s storms.
Reduce Burnout
Burnout is a feeling of pervasive exhaustion resulting from extended exposure to stress. People who are burned out report feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted (Schaufeli & Greenglass, 2001) and are unable to find relief from this exhaustion. Traditionally, the exhaustion of burnout has been understood as resulting from too much stress at work (Freudenberger, 1974; Samra, 2018). However, more recently, stress has been recognized to come from almost any source.
Increase Productivity and Time Efficiency
Productivity is about accomplishing tasks efficiently and effectively. It refers to the measure of how efficiently resources (time, effort, and inputs) are utilized to produce goods, services, or outcomes. Productivity takes into account time management, output quality, employee engagement, communication, and more.
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