Stress Management

Stress and the Fight or Flight Response

Physical Impacts: Stress Hormones

You might be wondering how hormones have anything to do with reacting to a bear or a pile of unpaid bills? Consider stress hormones as messengers of danger. Once you feel threatened by adversity, the specialized glands of your body release these hormones like a memorandum to tell its citizens (i.e., cells of most organs) to get ready for an emergency.

Constant state of Stress

Factors for Reducing and Managing Stress

  • Create more Well-Being
  • Healthy Work-Life Balance: Set clear boundaries and find ways to relax and unwind outside of work.
  • Social Support: Seek comfort and companionship from friends, family, and coworkers during challenging times.
  • Positive Mindset: Cultivate optimism and practice gratitude to reframe stressful situations and maintain a positive outlook.
  • Effective Problem-Solving: Develop strong problem-solving skills to tackle obstacles efficiently and reduce stress levels.
  • Resilience skills are essential for reducing and managing stress. Coaching can teach clients techniques such as mindfulness, problem-solving, and effective time management, which all contribute to stress reduction. Resilience allows individuals to face stress with composure and resourcefulness.

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