Category: Career & Business

Career & Business
Foundations for Success
6 Ways to Calm Your Fight or Flight Response & Reduce Stress

Learn how fight or flight works in the body and how to calm your response. You may already be familiar with the fight-or-flight response—a simplified term for how humans and many other animals respond to threats. However, you may be less familiar with how this natural response becomes less helpful when activated too regularly. Below, […]

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Career & Business
Foundations for Success
Personal Development
Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is a crucial aspect of holistic well-being Work-life balance can create more innovation, well-being, health, and wealth in both your private life and at work. Work-life balance encompasses the equilibrium between professional responsibilities and personal pursuits. Achieving this balance is essential for fostering innovation, enhancing overall well-being, and contributing to sustained health and […]

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Career & Business
Clarity, Mindset & Purpose
Professional Development
Renaissance Person-Multi-Potentialite
Why you need a Career Portfolio

In today’s dynamic job market, traditional career paths are evolving. Instead of following a singular trajectory, consider creating a “career portfolio” to embrace flexibility and purpose. This concept, introduced by Charles Handy, represents a diverse collection of professional experiences and skills. What is a Career Portfolio? Unlike a traditional career path, a portfolio is a […]

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Career & Business
Clarity, Mindset & Purpose
Confidence & Self Esteem
Foundations for Success
Personal Development
Professional Development
Build Self Esteem

Increasing self-esteem is a valuable goal that can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life. Here are some strategies you can implement to boost your self-esteem: 1. Practice Self-Compassion- Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend. Be mindful of your self-talk and avoid negative self-criticism. 2. […]

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Career & Business
Personal Development
Professional Development
Self Development
What's Next -Transitions
Professional Growth & Development

Professional growth refers to the ongoing development and improvement of an individual’s skills, knowledge, and abilities in their chosen career or field of work. It is a process of continuous learning, self-improvement, and skill enhancement that enables individuals to advance in their careers, achieve their goals, and stay relevant in a rapidly changing professional landscape. […]

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Building Resilience
Career & Business
Clarity, Mindset & Purpose
What's Next -Transitions
Making Changes and Choices

We can choose change, try to avoid it, or we can craft our “what’s next” plan of action. Changes Along the way, we will experience unexpected but inevitable changes, including deaths, separations, injuries, and changes in life perspective. Some of these things are out of our control. Sometimes, we are forced into change; other times, […]

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Career & Business
Confidence & Self Esteem
Foundations for Success
Personal Development
Professional Development
What's Next -Transitions
Confidence Building

Pave the way to a more successful & happy life. Confidence refers to the feelings of competence and trust in your skills and abilities, whether in general or in situation-specific circumstances. If you have high self-confidence, you may feel like you can direct and control outcomes in your life journey. Having Low Self-Confidence If you […]

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Career & Business
Confidence & Self Esteem
Personal Development
Tips for Overcoming Your Social Reluctance

Some people experience various stages in their lives when they refrain from social activities. In some cases, this may evolve into an ongoing fear of many social situations. There could be several causes for this, including just a temporary period with a need for some solitude and self-reflection.  In other cases, it could be more […]

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